86 Mustang

86 Mustang
Picture from the first hours of ownership

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

In the beginning...

So here it starts.  No this isn't the book of Genesis.  Every project has a start, and yesterday was the start to this one.  After one last drive on Friday evening out MO Rt. 94 West to Washington MO, and then back home via MO Rt. 100, I parked the Mustang on the garage with exactly 98,001 miles.

So Sunday morning after church and breakfast, Nancy and Joseph went to Grandma's house while I stayed home to kick off this project.

My goal for the day was to pull the engine and transmission. 

Almost Out
While I achieved this goal, it took way longer than I had originally estimated.  If I had it to do over again, I would have had someone over to help me. 
PhotobucketAs it was, I did it solo, and probably took me at least 50% longer to do than it should have.

Anyway, push came to shove, and I got the motor and transmission pulled and the garage back clean enough to let Nancy's car fit in the garage with all of my tools wiped down and at least in one place.

The next step is to thoroughly clean the engine compartment and underbody of its 22 years of road grime, grease and oil.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What...no snide comments from the peanut gallery? I figure someone would have posted somthing considering the Triangles who we're forwarded this link.